Almanac for B.E. VI-SEM (All Branches) Academic Year 2024-2025.|| Almanac for B.E. II-SEM (All Branches) Academic Year 2024-2025.|| Press Note for English Communication Skills and Personality Development from 17th February 2025. || Press Note for English Communication Skills and Personality Development from 10th february 2025.||

New Appointments

The Vice-Chancellor(OU)/ Principal (UCE, OU) has accorded approval for the following New Appointments.

Name Department Appointed As Date
Dr. Bodapati Prasad Mining Appointed as Chairperson, Board of Studies (Autonomous) UCE (A), OU. ----
Mr. N.S. Rama Krishna Prasad Mining Extension in the term of appointment as Adjunct Faculty in the Dept. of Mining Engineering, UCE (A), OU. ----
Prof. K. Bhiksha Raj ECE Appointed as Visiting Professor in the Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering, UCE (A), OU. ----
Dr. N. Susheela EEE Appointed as Chairperson, Board of Studies (Autonomous) UCE (A), OU. ----
Prof. A. Krishnaiah Mech. Appointed as Coordinator, QIP Centre, UCE (A), OU. ----
Dr. K.V. Shanker --- Appointed as SCCL Chair Professor in the Dept. of Mining Engineering,UCE (A), OU. ----
Dr. K. Srinivas BME Appointed as CIL Chair Professor in the Dept. of Mining Engineering,UCE (A), OU. ----
Dr. D. Suman BME Appointed as Student Advisor,UCE (A), OU. ----
Prof. P. Naveen Kumar ECE Chairperson,BOS,Dept. of ECE. ----
Prof. P. Naveen Kumar ECE Member, IQAC, OU ----
Dr. J. Upender EEE Coordinating Officer (MoU (ISRO -UCE, OU)) ----
Prof. Narsimhulu Sanke MECH. Director of Evaluation,Examination Cell 25-04-2022
Prof. D. Annapurna CIVIL Special Officer (Infrastructure), UCE(A),OU 25-04-2022
Prof. N. Suresh Kumar CIVIL Director, ERP Cell & I/c Director, University Computer Centre 28-01-2022
Mr.CH.Siva Kumar EEE Chairperson,BOS,Dept. of EEE. 29-12-2021
Dr. T. Nagaveni Mech. Joint Director (PG),UCE,OU. ----
Dr. N. Susheela EEE Public Relation Officer (PRO) UCE, OU.. ----
Dr. J. Upender EEE Placement Officer, UCE,OU. ----
Prof.P.Chandrasekhar ECE Vice-Principal,UCE(A),OU. 15-12-2021
Prof. D. Ramakrishna ECE Director for the Centre for Excellence in Microwave Engineering, UCE(A),OU. 09-12-2021
Prof. D. Ramakrishna ECE Chairperson,BOS,Dept. of ECE. 02-12-2021
Dr. P. Naveen Kumar ECE Nodel Officer/Point of Contact for the MoU between,OU & Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule(OTH),Amberg-Waiden. 15-11-2021
Dr.L.Nirmala Devi ECE Head,Department of ECE 01-11-2021
Prof.K.Saraswathamma Mech. Co-ordinator, QIP Center 01-10-2021
Dr.A.Bharathi ECE Joint Director(UG),UCE,OU. 01-10-2021
Dr.E.Vidya Sagar EEE Vice-Principal & Chairperson,BOS,Dept. of EEE. 13-10-2021
Sri.M.Venkat Das CSE Chairperson,BOS,Dept. of IT. 13-10-2021
M.V.Ramana Rao EEE Asst. Chief Suptd. (Exams) 12-10-2021
Mrs.P.Srividya ECE Asst. Chief Suptd. (Exams) 12-10-2021
Prof.B.Mangu EEE Addl. Chief Warden,Hostels & Messes 08-09-2021
Dr.Ch.Srinivas Physics. Head,Department of Physics. 06-09-2021
Mr. Md. Misbahuddin ECE NBA Co-ordinator for ECE 02-09-2021
Mr.K.E.Ch.Vidyasagar BME General Warden,Kinnera & New Kinnera 01-09-2021
Dr.N.Susheela EEE General Warden,Girls Hostel 01-09-2021
Dr.M.Shyam Sunder ECE General Warden,Swarnamukhi Hostel 01-09-2021
Dr.B.Sujatha CSE Mess Warden,Girls Hostel 01-09-2021
Dr.Saveen Souda English Head, Dept. of English, Director CELT & I/c Programme Co-ordinator,NSS 09-08-2021
Dr. P. Naveen Kumar ECE Director Infrastructure,OU 09-08-2021
Prof.R.Srinivas Kumar CIVIL Director, Estate Cell,OU 31-07-2021
Prof.K.Shyamala CSE I/c Director, Directorate of OU P.G, Colleges at Districts 31-07-2021
Prof.P.V.Sudha CSE Director, ERP Cell & I/c Director, University Computer Centre 08-07-2021
Prof.P.V.Sudha CSE Chairperson,BOS,Dept. of CSE. 08-07-2021
Prof.K.Shyamala CSE Head of the Dept. CSE, UCE,OU. 08-07-2021
Dr.N.Narasimulu Physics. Co-ordinator, Science & Humanities Building 05-07-2021
Prof. S.V.S.N.D.L. Prasanna CIVIL Joint Director of Evaluation,Examination Cell 26-05-2021
Dr.D.Rajashekat Reddy CIVIL Special Officer (Infrastructure), UCE(A),OU 05-03-2021
Prof.K.Shyamala CSE Director, Directorate of Academic Unit, OU. 26-05-2021
Prof.K.L.Radhika CIVIL Director,IDIC 06-03-2021
Prof.G.Yesuratnam BME Head of the Dept. EEE, UCE,OU. 30-03-2021
Prof.B.Ramesh Babu MECH. Chair person-Board of Studies,Mech.,UCE,OU. 30-03-2021
Dr.M.Srinivas BME Chair person-Board of Studies,Biomedical,UCE,OU. 08-03-2021
Dr.P.Sathish Kumar EEE Addl.Controller of Examination (Confidential), OU. 04-03-2021
Dr.M.Srinivas BME Mess Warden, Ganga Hostel. 06-03-2021
Dr.D.Rajashekar Reddy CIVIL General Warden, Kinnera & New Kinnera Hostel,OU 06-03-2021
Mr.M.Misbahuddin ECE General Warden, Ganga Hostel,OU 06-03-2021
Mr.M.Madhusudhan Raju Mech. Mess Warden, Kinnera Hostel. 18-02-2021
Prof.R.Rajender Mech. Head of the Dept. Mechanical, UCE,OU. 06-02-2021
Prof.K.Saraswathamma Mech. Addl.Chief Warden,Girls Hostel,OU. 01-02-2021
Prof.V.Bhikshma CIVIL Director, Infrastructure,OU. 24-02-2020
Prof.V.Ramesh Kumar Chemistry Chair person-Board of Studies,Chemical Engg.. 16-10-2019
Prof.B.Rajendra Naik ECE Head of the Dept., UCE,OU. 16-10-2019
Dr.B.Mangu EEE Chair person-Board of Studies,UCE,OU. 30-09-2019
Mr.D.Suman BME Assistant Controller of the Examination Branch, OU. ----
Prof. PVN Prasad EEE Dean Faculty of Engineering, UCE,OU. ----
Prof.P.V.Sudha CSE Head of the Dept., UCE,OU. ----
Prof.M.Chandra Sekhra Reddy Mech. Director of Evaluation,
Exam Cell, UCE,OU
Mrs.S.V.S.N.D.L.Prasanna Civil Joint Director of Evaluation (PG),
Exam Cell, UCE,OU
Mr.D.Suman BME BOS,
Department of Bio-Medical Engineering, UCE,OU
Prof. M. Malini BME Head, Dept. of Bio-Medical Engineering, UCE,OU. ----
Dr.J.Upender EEE Public Relations Officers. ----
Dr.J.Upender EEE Nodal Officer, Statistical Cell, OU. 19-11-2018
Prof.M.Malini BME Head of the Dept., UCE,OU. ---
Prof.G.Mallesham EEE Head of the Dept., UCE,OU. ---
Prof.M.Chandra Sekhar Reddy Mech. TEQIP-III, Coordinator, UCE,OU. 06-03-2019
Dr.D.Raja Sekhar Reddy Civil Special Officer (Infrastructure) UCE,OU. 05-03-2019
Dr.M.A.Hameed CSE Placement Officer, UCE,OU. 05-03-2019
Prof.K.L.Radhika Civil Director IDIC, UCE,OU. 06-03-2019
Prof.B.Rajendra Naik ECE Chair person-Board of Studies,UCE,OU. 12-03-2019
Prof.B.Hadya Mech. Chair person-Board of Studies,UCE,OU. 05-03-2019
Dr.P.Sathish Kumar EEE Chair person-Board of Studies,UCE,OU. 05-03-2019
Prof. P. Ramesh Babu Mech. Head, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, OU. 04-02-2019
Prof. P. V. Sudha CSE Chairperson, BOS in Informatics, OU., Director Enterprice Resource Planning Cell,UCE,OU. 21-12-2018
Prof. Sriram Venkatesh Mech. Controller of Examinations, Exam Branch, OU. 12-12-2018
Prof. V. Bhikshma CIVIL   ---
Prof. M. Kumar CIVIL Co-ordinator, Global Initiative of Academic Networks (GAIN) Programs, OU. ---
Prof. B. Sunil Kumar
Dept. of Physical Education Dept. of Physical Education, Univ. College of Phy. Edn., OU.  
Dr.E.Vidya Sagar EEE Vice-Principal of UCE,OU.(A) 22-11-2018
Dr.L.Nirmala Devi ECE Director of Campus Hostels For Women ----
Prof.M.Kumar Civil Principal of UCE,OU.(A) 01-11-2018
Mr. Md. Misbahuddin ECE Join Director of Evaluation (UG),
Exam Cell, UCE,OU
Prof. M. Malini BME Director of Diamond Jubilee Library, UCE,OU. -----
Mr. M. Srinivas BME Additional Chief Superintendent, UCE,OU. -----
Mrs. D. Annapurna Civil Co-ordinater for Conduct of B.E.I Year Class Test. UCE,OU. -----
Dr. E. Vidyasagar EEE Chair person-Board of Studies,UCE,OU. -----
Dr.B.Mangu EEE Chair person-Board of Studies (Global). -----
Dr.B.Hadya Mech. Additional Chief Warden,UCE,OU. -----
Dr.S.Narsimhulu Mech. Additional Controller of Examination Branch. -----
Dr.R.Rajendra Mech. Chair person-Board of Studies (Global). -----
Dr. P. Ramesh Babu MED Chair person-Board of Studies,UCE,OU. -----
Prof.Sreeram Venkatesh Mech. Director UFRO,OU. 18-05-2018
Mr.M.Venkateshwar Rao BME BOS,
Department of Bio-Medical Engineering, UCE,OU
Dr.K.Shashikanth Civil Join Director of Evaluation (PG),
Exam Cell, UCE,OU
June 2018
Dr.B.Rajendra Naik ECE Dean,
Student Faculty of Engineering,OU.
May 2018
Prof.Sriram Venkatesh Mech. UFRO Director. ---
Dr. J. Upendar EEE Nodal Officer, TEQIP-III,UCE,OU. March 2018
Dr.R.Hemalatha ECE Global Board of Chairperson, UCE,OU. Dec 2017
Dr.B.Rajendra Naik ECE Join Director of Evaluation (PG),
Exam Cell, UCE,OU
Oct 2017
Mr.D.Suman Reddy BME Join Director of Evaluation (UG),
Exam Cell, UCE,OU
Oct 2017
Prof.P.Chandrasekhar ECE HOD,Electronics & Communication EngineeringUCE,OU 26-09-2017
Prof.P.Rajasekhar CED Global Board of Chairperson, UCE,OU. 26-09-2017
Dr.G.Mallesham EEE Special Officer for Automation,OU. 18-09-2017
Dr.V.B.Narsimha CSE Additional Controller, OU. 11-08-2017
Prof. Panasa Reddy Chemistry Co-ordinator, S & H Building July2017
Prof. B. Mangu EEE BOS (Global),
Department of Electrical Engineering, UCE,OU
Dr. N. Narsimhulu Physics HOD,Physics Department UCE, OU July-2017
Prof. K. Shyamala CSE HOD,Computer Science Enginneing Department UCE, OU June-2017
Prof. P. LaxminNarayana MED Dean,
Faculty of Engineering,OU
Mr. M. V. Ramana Rao EEE HOD,Electrical Enginneing Department UCE, OU June-2017
Prof. M . Manjula EEE Director of Evaluation ,
Exam Cell, UCE,OU
Mr.D.Suman BME NCC -
Prof. S. Sameen Fatima CSE Director,
Prof. S. Sameen Fatima CSE Dean,
Faculty of Engineering. O.U
Dr. V. B. Narsimha CSE Addl. Chief Superintendent, Exams, UCE,OU 10-05-2017
Prof. G. Yesuratnam  EEE Director,
Diamond Juble Library, UCE,OU.
March 2017
Prof. A. Krishnaiah MED Vice Principal, UCE, OU 06-02-2017
Prof. P. Ushasri MED HOD,Mechanical Enginneing Department UCE, OU 06-02-2017
Prof. M . A. Prasad CED BOS,
Department of Civil Engineering, UCE,OU
Dr. E. Vidyasagar EED BOS,
Department of Electrical Engineering, UCE,OU
Dr. Ramakrishna ECE BOS,
Department of Electronics Communication Engineering, UCE,OU
Mrs. I. Niveditha Main Office. Assistant Registrar, UCE, OU 01-02-2017
Mrs. S. Geeta Main Office. Deputy Registrar, UCE, OU 01-02-2017
Dr. P.V.Sudha CSE Incharge, Cloude Computing Research Lab, UCE, OU 10-02-2017
Dr. E. Vidyasagar EED Coordinator for Incubation Centre, UCE, OU 06-02-2017
Dr. V. Kiran Mathematics Head, Dept. of Mathematics, UCE.  
Dr. D. Ramakrishna ECE Coordinator for GIAN and VAJRA Programmes 16-01-2017
Dr. V.B. Narsimha CSE Special Officer (Maintenance), UCE,OU 23-11-2016
Dr. P. Srinivas EED Joint Director of Evaluation, Exam Cell, UCE 15-11-2016
Dr. E. Vidyasagar
Mr.E.Madhusudhan Raju
Mr. R. Rajender
EEEMED CED Coordinator & Members of Quality Monitoring Cell (QMC) of the College 03-11-2016
Dr. J. Upendar EED E_Liason Officer, UCE 01-10-2016
Dr. P. V. Sudha CSE Special Officer, Automation for the College. 01-10-2016
Dr. B. Rajendra Naik ECE Nodal Officer, Visvesvaraya Ph.D. Scheme, Deit Y) GOI 29-09-2016
Dr. J. Upendar EED Assistant Chief Superintendent, Exams, UCE,OU 23-09-2016
Mr. S. Srinivas Rao CSE Chairperson, BOS, Dept. of CSE, UCE 14-09-2016
Dr. P. Naveen Kumar ECE Coordinating Officer for IRNSS Navigation Receiver Fielg Trial and Data Collection Project under Memorandum of Understanding between Space Application Centre, ISRO, Dept. of Space, GOI, Ahmedabad 14-09-2016
Prof. Sriram Venkatesh MED Admissions to M.E./M.Tech. 06-09-2016
Mrs. S.V.S.N.D.L. Prasanna CED Coordinator for conducting B.E. 1st Year Class Test, UCE 12-09-2016
Dr. K. Sashikanth CED Public Relation Officer, UCE 08-09-2016
Dr. M. Chandra Sekhar Reddy MED Director, EDC, UCE 08-09-2016
Dr. K. Shyamala CSE Coordinator, QIP Centre, UCE 07-09-2016
Prof. N. Suresh Kumar CED Director of Evaluation, Exam Cell, UCE 16-08-2016
Prof. P.V.N. Prasad EED Director, CDAAC, UCE 09-08-2016
Prof. G. Yesuratnam EED NBA Coordinator, Nodal Centre(OU Region) 09-08-2016
Dr. P. Ramesh Babu MED GIAN in Higher Education 12-07-2016

(Last Updated on 20-11-2021,12.45 PM))